Planning Workshops and Professional Development
This presentation reviews the statutory instruments (as opposed to common law) of s. 219 Covenants, Statutory Building Schemes and Statutory Rights of Way in the context of subdivisions in BC, in particular with respect to the role and authority of the subdivision approving officer under the Land Title Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c.250 (“LTA” or “Land Title Act”), Strata Property Act, S.B.C 1998, c.43, and related statutes and regulations.
A presentation overviewing the myriad of matters that must be addressed for the Development Permit Area or Heritage Conservation Area power to be properly designated, described, implemented, administered and enforced.
An overview of the Board of Variance’s jurisdiction, practice, procedures, and decisions and the role of planners and staff in the context of relevant case law and statutory provisions.
This seminar covers the role, makeup, and procedure of advisory planning commissions in order to orient staff and commission members
Carvello law provides an annual update on planning case law to help you stay up to date on changes and developments in the area
A high-level review, with important details, of the “Planner’s Toolbox” of legal tools and procedures, with an initial overview of the BC approach to planning and development powers focusing on the role and authority of elected officials.
We cover the Official Community Plan, Zoning Bylaws, Development Permits, and Development Approval Procedures and many of the other powers (with advance direction from you as to which are of particular use/interest in your community) such as temporary use permits, off-street parking, landscaping and screening, density bonusing and other rezoning negotiations for amenities, Housing Agreements, residential rental tenure, regulation of impermeable surfaces, subdivision and development servicing, options for development financing growth and more.
Half and full day workshops, available in person (preferred) or by your preferred video conference platform, on a variety of topics, including:
Agreements, Letters, MOUs and Other Representations to Avoid
BC Zoning Law and Practice
Bylaw Drafting for Planners
Bylaw Enforcement (with Phoenix Law)
Comprehensive Development (CD) Zoning
Core Planning Documents for Small Communities and Regional Districts
Corporate Officers Role In the Planning Process
Development Permits
Development Permits and Heritage Conservation Areas
Due Diligence in Development Approvals
Hazard Land Planning
Housing Agreements
Housing - Legal Tools for Strategic Planning
Heritage Planning Tools
Introduction to Planning & Development Law
Key Planning Tools and Procedures
Land Use Liability Utterances (LULUs)
LGMA MATI (R) Community Planning
LGMA MATI (R) School for Subdivision Approving Officers
Local Government Law for Planners
Official Community Plans
Planning by Agreement
… and more (seriously)
… and if you don’t see the topic you want, we can create a custom workshop.
Please call for current pricing.